Bharat Nirman Foundation from Delhi (India) has organised its 1st International event 8th Asiad Literature Festival in Dubai (UAE) on 16 June 2018 at the Auditorium Indian Consulate. The main aim of this fest was to glorify Literature, Literati and Entrepreneurs of India & Dubai. It was also an Ode to Gandhi & Peace on the 100 year celebration of Gandhi’s Sabarmati Ashram and Champaran movement.
A few important sessions of the fest were Interfaith Dialogue, Poetry & Verses and Women in Power by eminent dignitaries of India and Dubai. The fest also featured launch of Dubai edition of Filmi kaliyan Magazine. Chanchal Bhatia was crowned as the Brand Ambassador of the Fest.
Eminent Socialite Kiran Chopra from Delhi and Spiritual Entrepreneur Mirza Al Sayegh from Dubai were felicitated by Gandhi Peace Honor.
Surender Singh kandhari (Interfaith), Dr Harshad Mehta (Philanthropy), Dr Anjana Singh Sengar (Poetry), Geeta Chhabra (Writing & Poetry) & Bandana Jain (Writing) were felicitated by prestigious Literary Excellence Honor.
Anusuiya Singh (Yoga), Kajal Narang (Business), Sabina Shaikh (Events), Ritu Sisodia (Events), Kulwant Singh (Tours & Travel), Manoj Kr Das (Hospitality), Deepa Mathur (Jewelry Designing), Lubna Qassim (Advocacy to Governance & Diversity), Sumit Sawhney (Entrepreneur of the Year), Tannu kewalramani (Image Consultant), Vimmi Puri(Wellness), Sunil Chopraa(Wellness), Sonia Salve (Wellness), Raja Chelani (Business), Iftikhar A Tahir (Banking & Finance), Dr Vandana Gandhi (Business), Vinesh Bhimani (Business), Dr Sanjay Paithankar (Business), Hakamali Sadruddin Masani (Business), Milind Deshmukh (Business), Vinod Shinde, CK Naik (Business), Girish Pant (Business) were felicitated by Entrepreneur of the Year Honor.
HE Sri Vipul Consel General of India in Dubai was the Chief Guest and MP Ashwini Chopra was the Guest of Honor. Shrikant Badve, Supriya Badve, Dr Amarendra Khatua and Padmashri Dr Mohsin Wali were the Directors of the Fest. Rama Kale, Regina Mazhar and Bindu Chettur were the Advisors to the Fest. Sanskriti Bhandari was the Chief Advisor and Ravindra C Bhandari was the Convener to the Fest. He said-"I wish to promote Indian Literature, Literati & Entrepreneurs all over the World and Dubai has been a wonderful beginning".
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